Growing into Christ

(Middle & High School)

 We are very excited this year to continue our middle and high school program that is designed by our own youth leaders.  The goal of our Sunday morning program combined with our Sunday evening EYC program is to guide our teenagers as they transition from childhood to adulthood in the Christian faith by providing them the means to explore the deep truths of the Gospel and their implications for how we live our lives and interact with others. All stages of this curriculum is “hands-on.” Rather than listening and learning facts, our teenagers will be experiencing for themselves and learning from one another what it means to be united with Christ in Baptism and to one another as his Body, the Church.

EYC | Be The Light of God In the World

St. Columba's EYC is a community of teens 6th through 12th grade whose goal is to help our teenagers find their way in Christ in a way that will help them with everyday life. We believe in building our community together and making sure everyone feels welcome is very important! 

The EYC lifestyle at St. Columba's (it's not a program to us, but a lifestyle filled with love for each other and Christ) has many goals, but the primary goal is to provide a community in which every youth feels loved. We do not wear masks at St. Columba's! We focus on loving Christ and sharing his love!

What We Do!

Calendar of Events & News Feed

Youth ministry to middle and high school youth has several primary components: (i) Sunday morning Sunday school, (ii) Sunday evening Youth Group (EYC), and (iii) seasonal diocesan programs (such as New Beginnings and Happening) as well as youth retreats.

Sunday morning Sunday school meets at 9.30 am during the school year (Sept-May) and Sunday afternoon EYC meets most Sundays during the school year from 5.00-7.00 pm. However, depending on the public school calendars (Forsyth and Gwinnett), diocesan youth events, as well as the liturgical calendar, our youth Sunday school and youth group schedule will change from time to time. So, it’s best to check our EYC Schedule for updates and specifics for the weekly program. You can also join us at one of our events that you will find listed on our events calendar. 

The youth program is something that cannot be properly described by simply reading about us. You must come and JOIN us to really understand how much fun we have and how much we really care about one another. Come see for yourself and bring a friend!