“The Parish Post”

Our primary communication is our weekly e-newsletter, “The Parish Post.” This e-newsletter contains ministry news and highlights as well as links to contacts for clergy, ministry leaders, and parish lay staff members. Two emails are sent out each week: the Parish Post (midweek) and the Weekend Update (Saturdays). The Weekend Update version of The Parish Post includes the Sunday schedule recap and links to the Livestream.

First time subscribers may need to look for the Parish Post in their “promotions” or “social” tab and move it to their inbox (especially if you use Google as your email server). We utilize ConstantContact email provider, and on rare occasions some email services providers will flag emails sent by the Contstant Contact service as spam. Once you move the parish email from your promotions, social, or spam folders to your inbox, then you should receive the parish e-newsletter without any problems. You manage your e-newsletter subscription and can unsubscribe at any time.

Click the button below to subscribe to The Parish Post.